Union Stewards: You Need This Book!
Complete Union Steward's Guide
The Book
The Union Steward’s Complete Guide, now in its third edition, has over the past three decades established itself as the most comprehensive, widely used and trusted resource for the labor movement’s front-line troops. It is written in easy-to-understand language and designed to help stewards deal effectively with the incredible range of issues they face daily. With more than 140,000 copies in print, and thousands more in use as e-books, it is the acknowledged go-to tool for new and veteran stewards alike — whether the name for your position is "union steward," "shop steward," "building representative" or something else.
The Guide was developed by David Prosten and a team of veteran stewards and labor educators intimately familiar with the realities of a steward’s challenges in the North American workplace. From basics like how to identify, investigate and file a grievance to how to build support for the union to how to deal with difficult supervisors and co-workers, the Guide is a roadmap to success — and to keeping your sanity while holding down an incredibly challenging job.
This third edition reflects changes in today’s workplaces and the ever-shifting challenges stewards face in representing their co-workers.
Key data has been brought up to date and new trends and potential areas of conflict are outlined. Perhaps most important: a look at the double-edged sword of social media and how it has opened avenues of both job risk and organizing reward to workers and their unions.
No steward, from the newest to the most veteran, should go without this incredibly helpful tool.
Published by David Prosten Books, LLC, successor to Union Communication Services (UCS), Inc., which Prosten created and operated for more than 30 years.
397 pages, paperback; fully illustrated and indexed; 7.5 inches by 10 inches
Love the complete guide?
Don't forget the Steward’s Pocket Reference & Diary!
This handy pocket-sized reference book is packed with vital information
and tools for every steward. Carry this compact booklet with you whenever you’re on the job and you’ll be well-prepared for anything your employer – or coworkers – can throw at you. Discounts for quantity: get one for every steward!